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The Clubbing Girls ( TCG )
Sunday, 20 January 2013 @ 07:44 | 0 Comment [s]

A Best Friend is the kind of person who knows you inside and out, 
yet associates with you anyway. They love you to the core. They know your deepest darkest secrets, and keep them forever. They know your flaws, and disregard them happily. They hold your hand when you cry and are right by your side when you're laughing so hard you can't breathe. If you have a best friend, damn, you're lucky. 

<3 <3 <3 <3 

Hey. This is me and my bestie FARHANI , TYQA and AMANINA .  We’ve known eachother for like 6 month and it’s safe so say that we’ve been besties from the first day i meet them . we hangout together ,  laugh , cry  and always love taking picture together .  So I really just want to tell them that I’m really proud of them.even though I sometimes get mad about stupid thing, that I still love them Always. 
"THE CLUBBING GIRLS" are  the greatest friend somebody could ever have. WE ARE BEST FRIENDS , always remember that if you fall , i will pick you up . AFTER I FINISH LAUGHING  ! bahahahah <3 

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